My Offerings
Akashic Records Readings, Astro Birth Chart,
Yoga Nidra and
Divine Lila Botanical

Through my offerings I wish for you to get a deeper connection with your Soul, to awaken Soul memories that may assist you in this life time. In an Akashic Reading I get a glimpse of your Soul and this also helps you to awaken more to who you are. You are unique in your own special way.
With my Yoga Nidras I want you to experience the depth of your own being. To journey within and create deep change, and to connect deeper with your own beautiful Self.
To help you bring in more beauty in your life I am proud to offer my amazing essential oil blends, Divine Lila Botanical. These oil blends brings with them the beauty of the flowers, the strength of the roots and the healing power of herbs. And not only that, they also bring the warm energy of the sun, the cooling energy of the moon, the whispers from the wind, the soothing energy of the rain and the love from our Mother Earth.
An Astro Birth Chart Reading helps you to see your Souls purpose and gifts. When you understand your highest potential and what is available to you, you not only fall in love with yourself but it is also easier to bring in that higher version.
I am so happy to be able to offer you the pillars in my life that helps me to connect to myself and to Source.
My wish is for you to experience the mysteries and magnificent that is within your own Being.
I would love to connect, and to guide you on your journey.
With much love and light,