Thank you
beautiful Soul for being here.
I don’t believe in coincidences.You being here is perfect for this moment. I hope that Divine Lila will inspire you and remind you of your own magnificence!
I would love to connect with you and share my world!
Thank you for your presence!
My vision
I’m sure we share the same vision for this world.
I’m sure we share the same vision for this world.
A place where we bring in our beautiful visions and dreams and turn them into reality. Where we work together, support each other and help each other grow.
We all have something to give and share that can help one another to reach higher perspective so that we may bloom and embody who we truly are.
What is my purpose?
These are questions I have asked myself all my life, and they have lead me on different paths to rediscover myself, why I am here in these amazing and challenging times, and what my purpose is.
What I found is that;
I AM that which ever was and ever will be.
I AM here to be mySelf.
I AM here to be of service.
I am an eternal student, learning and increasing my inner standing of Life and the creation.
“We are all just walking each other home”
Botanical oils
Lila is sanskrit and means play, the divine play.
Divine Lila. The Lila of the creation. God’s Play.
Lila also means purple in swedish, which is one of my favorite colors.
Yoga nidra
Join the newsletter
When you sign up for my news mail I will gift you with my beautiful Yoga Nidra for Peace – Yoga Nidra Shanti.
This Yoga Nidra will bring you deep peace into your body and mind.
When you have peace inside you will broadcast that out into the world.
My services
Through my services I want to be a support for you to remember more of who you are at Soul level, to help you reach deeper aspects of yourself and to live in beauty and joy.
I am so happy to be able to share these amazing tools with you; The Akashic Records, Astrology, Yoga Nidra and Divine Lila Botanical.
They all bring healing in different ways, and when you combine them all together we create magic!
“Question: How do we treat others?”
Ramana Maharshi: There are no others.”