You birth chart is the imprint of how the stars aligned the moment you were born. It is unique, just like your Soul.
Your birth chart is the blueprint of what your Soul came here to experience, your gifts. Astrology can show you the journey of your Soul.
The birth chart reflects the highest version of what is possible for you – and the version you want to aim for. You are meant to be WHO you ARE, and not try to fit into something you think you should be.
To know your blessings in your birth chart is a beautiful way to fall in love with your self and your Soul.

free choice we might not experience the highest version due to our programming and experiences.
There a many versions of your birth chart that you may experience, from the lowest to the highest and everything in between.
But with free choice comes the possibility to choose our highest version.
When you understand what you are capable of, what your Soul wants to accomplish and CAN, then it easier to step by step move towards that.
By understanding the energies that makes you YOU (of course also the programs we grow up with) you can start to lean into yourSelf more. And from this you will grow more acceptance and self love. Which is the purpose of understanding your Soul. You are perfect just as you are.
With that said we all have different so called lessons to learn, to gain greater understanding and to turn that into wisdom.
There is no bad or good birthchart. It only tells us what kind of journey we are on. Not who you are, the Soul is perfect, and that is what you ARE.
I would love to show you the beauty of your Souls journey and what is possible!

10th house is the house of your carrier, and mine is ruled by Leo. My sun is also Leo in the 10th house, and I have Mercury (communication) there too. This shows that I am here to be a leader, a guide, to shine my light and inspire others, and I will do that by being myself and also through communication. With the sun and mercury conjunct it also show my highly intuitive gifts.
This is something I have always felt inside, but it took my many many years to step into this version of myself. Understanding your birth chart helps you to know what is possible, and take steps to create that reality.
Launching my business at age 47 was that step!
It is a beautiful journey to grow into the highest version of yourself!