As I’m writing this it’s the day after the lunar eclipse, November 2022. This eclipse was tough on many, but others felt a flow. It’s a big shift for sure.
I feel I’m stepping out In a new arena of my life, and I don’t think I have ever been this conscious about it. (I’m sure it’s my astrology studies that makes me view everything from above these days)
It is so perfect that the launch of this website is 11:11. Still in the energy of the eclipse, into the portal of 11:11 – which is a beautiful time to start something new.
Divine Lila is my dream. A dream I’ve had for a long long time. It is surreal to me that it has come true, and yet so natural.
This dimension we call reality is where all the other dimensions can become materialized.
One step at a time we bring forth that which wants to be born through us. We are all geniuses in our own gifts.
We are living in the in-between, the death of the old and the birth of the new. It is a strange time to be alive. The ground is shaking and the only place we can really find refuge in is within, truly.
When we rest in that space we all hold in our spiritual heart, that is where we find true peace.
To lean in more, and more and more. To trust. It is a challenge to fully trust at times.
When you feel life is too much, try to lean in (I know it can be difficult). Deep breath, and lean in. Like you are leaning on someone who is holding you with such great love and compassion. Lean in, and trust. You are held, always. There is always a way.
It is my deepest wish that you may find something in Divine Lila that may help you to align more with your true beautiful Self, may it be a reading, a yoga nidra or divine botanical oil. These are all tools to help you to remember your essence. If you combine them all you create magic.
Thank you for being here, and for giving me your time.
With love,